
Boy Scouts shouldn’t bully Boy Scouts

I’m pretty disgusted with the Boy Scouts of America for their treatment of that aspiring Eagle Scout who announced he was gay. His Eagle Scout project was about bullying and the BSA proceeded to do just that. He was gay before he admitted to being so and I am guessing that he was a young man who was encouraged to be the best Boy Scout that he could be. So how did he suddenly become an object of hatred after he made his announcement?

The Boy Scouts of American have “solved” their pedophile problem by sweeping it under the carpet, so which is the greater sin: harboring pedophiles or being honest and owning up to who one is?

As an Eagle Scout, Sea Scout and an Explorer Scout I would turn in my awards if I knew where they were.

Welcome, Boy Scouts of America, to the hate group membership. You are not the organization that I used to know some 60 years ago.

I’m straight but not narrow.

Raleigh Sutton


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