
Kirk fortunate to be a senator

I am happy to read of Sen. Mark Kirk’s progress after months of rehabilitation following his stroke. I hope he realizes that most of his countrymen would never have the luxury of the level of care he has received, would probably have to file for bankruptcy and most likely lose their house because of not being paid for the time they were off work and the medical bills incurred.

I do not begrudge him his benefits but hope he does realize how very fortunate he is. I would like to see him go back to Washington be a champion for health care for all Americans.

After hearing Mitt Romney commenting to his wealthy audience that 47 percent of Americans who do not pay income taxes still have the audacity to think they are entitled to health care and food, I don’t think he realizes that most who do not pay income taxes earn very little money, are in the military service or are elderly living on meager incomes.

All other industrialized nations consider health care a right of all citizens and are proud to have strong health care in place for all citizens.

Our health care, Medicare and Social Security benefits are determined by wealthy individuals who have very generous pensions and the best of health care. Something is wrong with this process. The easiest items to cut from the federal budget are the programs for the poor, elderly and disadvantaged while still in favor of subsidies for the oil industry and others who have lobbyists.

Janice Gargantiel


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