
Need to overhaul schools, healthcare

There are more things to worry about than just jobs and the economy.

There has to be a better way to educate our children. More money has to be available so that we can have more teachers with smaller classrooms in a learning environment. In the 1970s the lottery was created supposedly for education. Very little went to education — it was just a ruse to get more tax dollars. The entire system from the Department of Education down to the local school boards needs to be reorganized.

The medical situation is intolerable. The costs are rising three times faster than the inflation rate. It is just a question but does every hospital need to have a multimillion dollar MRI? Medical catastrophes that cause loss of income, then loss of home then loss of insurance are the biggest cause of personal bankruptcy. The costs have to be put under control and available to all. Whether it is Obamacare or some other plan, we need it.

Our representatives in Congress haven’t a clue about not having insurance and they have paid not a dime to get coverage. I think that those who are against universal coverage should lose their own coverage and suffer like the rest of us.

Raleigh Sutton


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