
‘Last Ounce’ review missed mark

I have for a long time followed Dann Gire’s movie reviews, and often his opinion has influenced my decision regarding which movies I have wanted to see. Over the years, some movies he has given 3 or 4 stars to I haven’t particularly enjoyed and some I have loved. By the same token some of his 1- or 2-star movies I have actually liked very much, while some are the very pits.

Now, I have a problem with his very slanted opinion and review of “Last Ounce of Courage.” How can an objective film reviewer give such a slanted and condescending half-page writeup of this wonderful movie? He calls it melodramatic, hokey, with stilted performances and bald appeals to patriotism and family. May I ask, what is wrong with that?

Most films are not made up of Academy Award material or actors, so does that make this a bad film? Most Americans appreciate seeing some patriotism in movies as well as “appeals to family,” so does that make this a bad film?

Mr. Gire suggests that the theme of the film violates separation of church and state. Sorry, but it does not. Ever since this country was founded, religion has been free. There still are no laws that say we cannot display religious symbols in public. This country has simply become political correctness on steroids! The liberals can’t stand all this hokey talk of patriotism, freedom of religion and family values. Mr. Gire, I will no doubt pay less attention to your film reviews in the future.

Sara Schmidt

Des Plaines

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