
How Dold could really move to center

I’ve been receiving Robert Dold’s recent fliers touting his bipartisanship, independence and willingness to work with anyone. And I read the Daily Herald’s editorial opinion piece of Sept. 10 discussing how pleasing it was to hear both Dold and Schneider touting their “willingness to reach across the aisle.”

I think some people are confused about the meaning of these words. The two years Mr. Dold has served in Congress has arguably been the most partisan, ineffective session in the history of the institution.

Robert Dold issued a signed pledge to Grover Norquist to oppose any and all legislation that has the net effect of increasing tax revenue. That pledge is a cornerstone of the Tea Party platform, makes a balanced budget a near mathematical impossibility and is principle reason multiple budget proposals were laughed out of Congress.

While we have so many pressing issues to deal with, in the last two years I understand Congress has tried 33 times to repeal some or all of Obamacare, including provisions that require insurers to cover people with pre-existing conditions and allow young people to stay on their family’s policies longer. Dold has voted in near lock step to repeal these.

If Mr. Dold wants some bipartisan cred to better his position in a now more moderate 10th Congressional district, I suggest he publicly refute his “no compromise on tax revenue” pledge. Granted, that would take great courage and alienate a small number of die-hard tea partyers, but it would supply evidence he’s moved to the center, improve the chances that the next round of budget talks might be productive, and perhaps most important, by taking the lead on refuting this pledge, make it easier for other signors to back away and resume the business of governing.

Paul Bruno


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