
Compassion should not bankrupt nation

Why is it that people of the left think Republicans have no compassion? I hear this over and over. In Christine Johanson Ross’ July 24 letter she mimicked the same old “under the bus” rhetoric regarding Paul Ryan’s budget proposal. I can’t possibly read and digest every bill, or proposal that comes out, but I can look at the character of the people in general. Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are both men of great character who have the very best interests of this country at their core.

On the other hand Barack Obama lies incessantly and has done nothing but add to the deficit and debt. Men of character as Romney, Ryan and many others in the Republican party do understand the need to help the poor and the mentally handicapped. They (we) simply don’t see the need to continue food stamps and disability payments for the horrendously high number of people who now get them, such as those who are perfectly able to work and choose not to, and those who spend their food stamp money on lottery tickets and beer.

Lastly, the wars and tax may have contributed in a small way to the debt, but the larger contributions are the many free programs for illegal immigrants, the unfunded pensions for government workers and the expense of forming all the safety procedures implemented to protect us since 9/11. Have you been to D.C. lately?

Sara Schmidt

Des Plaines

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