
Tea Party-types are the real threat

It is my sincere hope that Rep. Joe Walsh is in close contact with my current congressional representative, Peter Roskam, and local authorities about the “real threat” of radical Islam in Elk Grove Village. I was under the impression that the recent terrorist attacks in the U.S. were perpetrated by non-Muslim citizens in Colorado and Wisconsin. Mr. Walsh states, “ ... we would be foolish to ignore the fact that there is a radical minority that ... wants to destroy the values that we stand for. ...”

My values include a safety net for my neighbors who are facing uncertain economic times, health care for all Americans, respect for differences which make America great. Radical Islamists are not leading the charge against those values. Tea Party members are, and Mr. Walsh wears that moniker proudly. It’s hard to figure out whom to fear.

Julie Sass

Elk Grove Village

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