
Obama has no regard for military

This is in response to the July 18 letter by Cathy McQuillan saying that my statements were inaccurate and that I am un-American. I am not un-American. I believe that I am a patriot. In 1944 at the age of 17 I enlisted in the Navy, because I love this country, and I would do it again.

Why did the veteran groups get up in arms when Mr. Obama came up with the idea that he could save $540 million on the military insurances? When I tried to check two of my statements with “Factcheck” as you suggested, they came back with “No results.” The statements were “Did Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder threaten to prosecute the CIA agents that did the waterboarding of terrorists? And “Did Mr. Holder and his law firm defend terrorists before he became attorney general?” I believe both statements are true.

I also stated that Mr. Obama was patting himself on the back for killing Osama bin Laden. Now it is reported that Valerie Jarrett was calling the shots. The Navy Seals blasted Mr. Obama for this.

I also stated that Mr. Obama has no regard for the military. If he did why isn’t he outraged because of the classified leaks?

Also, why did Mr. Obama file a lawsuit to restrict the military votes? It is very obvious that he knows that the majority of the military will vote against him.

The men and women in the military know he has no regard for them. His White House is putting their lives in jeopardy with the classified leaks and then restricting their votes.

I am 85 years old and I am not senile. I have very bad vibes about this man. It might be sad, but I cannot trust him.

Lawrence Boni


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