
Letter writer did not understand taxes

In a letter published July 18, Marcie Leonard wants the Village of Elk Grove to cease special events due to an increase in her tax bill. Unfortunately, Ms. Leonard does not seem to fully understand her tax bill, which may be true of many other property taxpayers.

Here are the facts. Elk Grove Village is one of many governmental units listed on her tax bill. Of those, Elk Grove Village only comprises 8 percent of her tax bill. She states that her bill increased by $2,196.38 over the past three years. Of that amount, Elk Grove Village would account for about $175 if we had increased taxes. The vast majority of her increase is paid to School Districts 214 and 59, which account for over 60 percent of the tax increase.

Moreover, Elk Grove Village has done all that it can to hold the line on taxes. The village has avoided a general property tax increase over the past four years. It has likewise reduced its workforce by over 13 percent and decreased its budget by millions over the past several years. Moreover, the village has not increased sales, gasoline taxes, utility taxes, or similar taxes as other governments were compelled to do. Unfortunately, any increase that Elk Grove has adopted was strictly due to state-mandated pension costs.

Finally, yes, the village holds free family-friendly special events during these difficult financial times to create a strong sense of community and provide a “hometown feel.” We are proud of our track record.

We also need to point out that the Cook County assessor is shifting the property tax burden from the business community onto the residential community. We understand this tax burden shift is difficult on homeowners, and that is why Elk Grove Village is working so diligently to hold the line on property taxes.

Craig B. Johnson, Mayor

Elk Grove Village

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