
Too many ‘bike days’ at skate park

I am writing to you because I think there are too many bike days at the Warren Township Skate Plaza. On a normal bike day, I see only a maximum of five bikers at a time throughout the day. This is a waste of skate bowl time.

I live across the street from the park and on bike days, I go to the Skate Trails and l can see the skate bowls. If there are zero bikers, they sometimes let us in to skate on our boards. I think it should be changed, because I would like to become a better skater in the bowls and it’s hard to do that when I can only practice every other day.

I write to you because I don’t want to be kicked out of the entire park when I am in the bowls on a bike day. It’s the same punishment as when you don’t wear a shirt at the park - you get kicked out for a whole day. Because I love to skate, I don’t want to be evicted from the park for asking them to reconsider the skating/biking schedule.

My hope is that more people see this and help make a change.

Nick Zblewski


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