
Emanuel piqued by Ricketts family

Once again, liberals are fighting against job creation and hurting the middle class.

A conservative group dallied with the notion of an ad that showed the relationship between the Rev. Wright and President Obama since the president was a member of Wright’s church for 18 years. Wright also presided over the wedding of the Obamas and baptized the Obamas’ children. President Obama used a sermon written by Wright as the basis for his book, “The Audacity of Hope.”

President Obama called Wright his mentor and second father.

Wright was known for years for his racial slurs and attacks against whites and is such an incendiary figure that the liberals did not want the relationship to be resurrected. Therefore, when Joe Ricketts was presented with an ad campaign showing the relationship between Obama and Wright, the whole liberal army came down on the Ricketts family with liberal leader Rahm Emanuel at the forefront. Ricketts refused the ad campaign, but the liberals had their fodder. The result was that Mayor Emanuel refuses to speak to the Ricketts family about anything, including Wrigley Field renovation. So the Rickettses are being punished by Emanuel for being a political enemy — especially of his good friend, Barack Obama. Chicago politics at its finest.

Cubs fans bring millions of dollars to the city and promote hundreds of jobs, but Rahm Emanuel is having a tantrum over an ad that never happened to show support for his good friend. Rahm is not worried about the jobs that support the middle class or the pleasure the middle class receives from attending the games. He is just worried about his good friend Barack Obama. Rahm Emanuel was elected to be a mayor for all the residents of Chicago not just his good friend.

Gail Rose


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