
ID laws don’t deter minorities from voting

James Prescott’s ramblings about how the Republicans and the Tea Party are trying to disenfranchise the Democrat voting minorities overlooks the fact that 32 states require identification to vote (Fence Post, April 6). I don’t hear anything about how disenfranchised the minorities in those states are, and how identification has “suppressed minority participation” in 64 percent of the states.

Mr. Prescott lives in a metropolitan area is known for its “vote early and vote often,” mantra, in one of the most politically corrupt states in the country (ballot boxes found floating in Lake Michigan, and more politicians in jail than in any other state), and he’s worried that someone who really wants to vote will be denied the right because they must produce identification? Surely you jest.

I don’t know about Mr. Prescott, but I certainly do not want my vote negated by some ineligible, undocumented, bought-and-paid-for person voting under the name of someone who has moved or is dead. Anyone who is eligible, Republican or Democrat, should register and vote, but with 11 million to 13 million (depending on whom you believe) illegal immigrants in the U.S., I think there is a far greater chance of voter fraud happening than there is that we will disenfranchise anyone by requiring identification.

The old Jim Crow and Poll Tax laws no longer exist, and in all states identification can be obtained either free or for a minimal fee. Minorities are not more physically, mentally or financially handicapped than anyone else, and they are perfectly capable of obtaining ID. It’s a very small price to pay to help make our votes mean something, and make it more likely that voters do not get disenfranchised by illegitimate participants.

Robert Williams

Rolling Meadows

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