
Don’t assume worst about Lisle students

Don’t assume worst about Lisle students

Roughly 10 years ago, I can still recall sitting in on a “town hall” style meeting regarding lights at Wilde Field. It was an attempt to garner feedback from the surrounding neighborhood and I found myself in a unique situation; I lived a block from the field and I was also a sophomore on the Lisle Football team. I was thrilled at the idea of playing under the lights.

That feeling of excitement evaporated at a rapid pace during these meetings. While logical arguments were made by both sides, what bothered me most, was that adult after adult got up to the podium and made boisterous claims usually prefaced with, “The kids will do _____.” I heard everything from throwing trash in our yards, urinating in our bushes, underage drinking, partaking in drug related activities, and even bringing gang involvement into our neighborhood. All of this because of four light poles?

I now teach English and coach football and basketball at Lisle High School, and think I’m qualified to speak on the type of students we have. A big reason I enjoy coming to work every day is the quality of students. Do we have some who get into trouble and make poor decisions? Of course. However, on the whole, I think we are very fortunate to have an upstanding, responsible base of students in our community.

Obviously, I would love to see lights on our home field. However, there are obvious obstacles which require discussion. I will leave that to the committee and the board to decide.

If the community members speak out against this endeavor, please make it for reasons other than the students. Please support the youth of this community and don’t assume that four light poles will bring out the worst in this great student body.

David P. Sally


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