
District 62 Foundation benefit is Feb. 24

A ride to school on a Des Plaines fire truck, restaurant gift certificates, Cubs tickets, and a Million Dollar Room at Arlington Park for four are some of the many silent auction items the District 62 school foundation will present at its Reach to Teach Benefit on Friday, Feb. 24.

“It’s the social event of the year in Des Plaines, outside of Taste of Des Plaines,” said Betty Murphy, Reach to Teach chairwoman. “Everyone you know is there. It’s just a really wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends.”

More than 250 people are expected at the fundraiser at Cafe la Cave in Des Plaines. The silent auction begins at 6 p.m., the dinner at 7:30 p.m. and St. Luke’s Bottle Band performs at 8:30 p.m.

Seats are $50, which includes soup, salad, entree and dessert. For tickets, visit or call Betty Murphy at (847) 824-1451. Seating is limited.St. Luke#146;s Bottle Band was started in 1979 by Paul Phillips and members of St. Luke#146;s Lutheran Church in Park Ridge. Their humorous use of bottles to play musical tunes has been featured on National Public Radio, the NBC Nightly News, #147;Wild Chicago#148; and the #147;Late Show with David Letterman.#148;Donations of any size are embraced by the foundation, Murphy said. All tax-deductible donations will support education. The foundation supports education on many fronts, including grant requests submitted by District 62 teachers and staff. This year, more than 60 grant requests were received. The foundation funded 39 grants with $35,000 raised in prior years.Foundation President Debbie Post, who chaired the event for many years, said the energizing atmosphere at the benefit brings her back every spring.#147;I think honestly the best part for me is the feeling of so many people coming together to support education from all different parts of our community,#148; Post said. #147;There#146;s an energy in the room that happens when people hear what#146;s happening in the district and how to make things better for our kids.#148;

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