
If we build it we will thrive

I found four Fence Post letters recently in the Daily Herald — the authors all said the GOP is only fighting the president on job creation. The same type of letters come in that blame the Democrats for all our problems.

Could our citizens have contributed anything to our sorry financial situation? You did notice that Washington raised our debt ceiling — right? Hmm, not enough tax dollars coming in to spend.

Could those entitlements so many of us expect to keep coming in have anything to do with the shortage of government funding capabilities?

Everyone is looking to our government to solve our financial mess. Not going to happen folks. Governments only spend your tax dollars. The more “free stuff” you expect from government, the worse the situation will get. Real earned dollars come from products that our out-of-work citizens used to produce for us.

Believe it or not, our citizens have as much power as those we have elected to serve us. Here is the real kicker, ladies and gentlemen — all of us who buy products made in China have put our neighbors out of work. Get that fact into the mix of why don’t I have a job.

How many of you are tough enough to deal with the demands you place on those in office, at any government level? You know why they do not come out and tell you that there is no more “free stuff” — because you would not vote for them again if they told you as much. They want to save their jobs.

I know — big shot corporations have lobbied for many tax benefits and moved off shore for other dollar-saving reasons. Constant demands for higher wages and better benefits are often behind corporate decisions and stockholders are looking for investment benefits/dividends.

When you really want our country to return to what we knew 30 and 40 years ago, you will buy American made products again. Uh, oh — you noticed we no longer have the capability to do so, now what?

Ron Petrucci

Campton Hills