
For GOP, it’s ‘all about them’

Republicans say we cannot tax the “job creators.” This makes no sense. Job creators create jobs to serve markets and make profits. If an opportunity exists to serve new or expanded markets profitably, the job creators will create jobs to take advantage of this opportunity whether they are paying relatively more or less in taxes. That’s how job creators become wealthy, in periods of high and low taxes.

The problem is not that our job creators are not wealthy enough, it is that the American customers are not wealthy enough. We need more customers with spending money. Tax breaks for middle class Americans are a direct response to this problem.

Republicans nevertheless oppose the tax breaks proposed by the president, even though the Republicans have promoted such tax breaks in the past. What is the rational explanation for this odd behavior?

The interests of the middle class and all other Americans are being mortgaged by the Republicans to the goal of preventing the president from being re-elected.

These times are very challenging for the great majority of Americans. Republicans are not focused on meeting the challenges ordinary Americans now face.

As the saying goes: “It’s all about them.”

Alfred Kirkland Jr.
