
The 49 percent will remember, Mr. Walsh

With Joe Walsh’s view (Sept. 16), we are given keen insight to this man’s behavior. Apparently Mr. Walsh misses the point about his “constituents.” This man was elected by the slimiest of margins.

So by receiving 50.1 percent of the vote he claims to have a mandate? What about the 49.99 percent of your district that didn’t vote for you? What are they? Chopped liver? No, Mr. Walsh, your job in Congress is to represent all of your district. With the hard economic times you need to learn the art of compromise. This is not just about the tea party agenda.

While the fact that the governor spends too much is logical, it’s amazing that people so soon forget how we’ve gotten to this point. So the tea party hammers on our public employees, social security, medicare.

Meanwhile, we continue to give the rich tax breaks, spend outlandishly on our defense budget and give tax breaks to the big corporations. We know that by most estimates that 90 percent of the wealth and up to 40 percent of the income in our country is in the hands of 2 to 4 percent of the population. If this is true, then we all are serfs to the rich.

So let’s blame our public employees. Really? They are the problem? Our resident bible quoter, Ms. Weese, has even bashed the teachers in this forum. With that there is no doubt that things need to change in the public sector. Those at the top have gamed the system in their favor as much as the rich have gamed the financial system in their favor. But most are just hard-working folk like most of us. So, Mr. Walsh, please remember who you really represent. Because those other 49.99 percent are also watching, and will remember.

Edward Tobolik
