
Elk Grove memorial ‘just what we needed’

Last Sunday, thanks to a villagewide mailing from the Elk Grove Baptist Church, my wife and I, who are from another faith, attended their 911 Commemoration Service. A very poignant, quite sad at times but again joyful in many respects (event) took place.

The musicians, choir and the pastoral message were just what was needed in such a difficult time of remembering 10 years ago on Sept 11, 2001. The mayor and members of the fire and police departments offered their thoughts and prayers and the releasing of a flight of doves cumulated a very thoughtful Commemoration Service.

After the service a picnic lunch was served and games for all ages was available.

Hopefully the survivors of all those who perished as a result of such a cowardly act could take comfort from all the wonderful services that took place all around our country, such as the one the Elk Grove Baptist Church had.

Ron and Gloria Leaf

Elk Grove Village