
Thanks, Fox News, for enlightening me

I have been watching Fox News exclusively for the last month and I now understand the Republican ideology regarding federal taxes. The upper one-thenth of 1 percent of taxpayers pay far too much and the government needs to collect more from people who make less than $50,000 so we can give those upper income earners another tax break.

Sean Hannity (and everyone else on the “Fair and Balanced” network) told us that any other approach is “redistribution of wealth.” Also, that Obamacare must be repealed. We must go back to being the only economically developed nation without a national health care plan. I’m still not quite sure what should happen when an uninsured person gets seriously hurt, but since an appeals court has ruled the mandate in Obama’s plan is unconstitutional I suppose we should just let them die.

All good Republicans obviously believe everyone must take personal responsibility for their actions. It certainly would not be fair to have taxpayers pick up their bill. When the Republicans accomplish that they should also get rid of Medicare. After all that is another national plan also but only if you’ve reached the magical age of 65.

The next big-spending liberal program to dismantle would be Social Security, but it must be done in stages so it wouldn’t seem like Republicans are unfairly targeting the middle class or elderly. If people have not planned for their own retirement why should the government take care of them?

I haven’t yet been able to totally justify my new lack of compassion for less-fortunate people, but hopefully another few months of watching Fox News exclusively I’ll understand I should only be looking out for myself.

Phil Williams
