
Writer ignored facts in Walsh criticism

There comes a time when intelligent, well-meaning folks realize that heated and emotional rhetoric is not only anti-productive but is childish and accomplishes nothing. I read Mr. Roger Bianco’s letter of Aug. 24, which I found vile and unsubstantiated. I would like to present some facts and common sense to his mendacious diatribe.

To his point A), “He is an embarrassment to his child for not paying his child support.” Did Mr. Walsh’s children give Mr. Bianco permission to speak for them? Did the writer simply recycle the hate rhetoric he heard on MSNBC or from the DNC? The very act of a personal attack on anyone lacks moral ethics.

To his point B), “He is an embarrassment to the people of the 8th Congressional District by showing that he clearly doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to understand how our government works.” Mr. Bianco not only insults Mr. Walsh but assumes that he has the intellectual capacity to judge others based not on fact but on his emotional instability. Mr. Bianco, fact: Our government does not work. It is corrupt and dysfunctional.

To his point C), “He is an embarrassment to the military of our country by being critical to our commander-in-chief.” Really? In our free society and under our democracy, a person’s comments regarding a public official are protected under the First Amendment. Are you suggesting that we should have “hope and change” for us to become a socialist or communistic country under which freedom of speech does not exist? Our commander-in-chief does.

I support Joe Walsh and will vote for him every time he chooses to run for office. I am insulted that others would attack him on such a personal basis. Get your facts straight and stop with the immature, emotional outbursts. Your therapist would agree.

Paul Arnot
