
Find solution in cuts to military spending

One of the unfortunate consequences of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, was a knee-jerk response to authorize military action against an ill-defined enemy (“terrorists”). It has led to an imbalance in our government spending in which over half of our national budget is spent on the military. It has impoverished our nation as we allow our educational system, our infrastructure and our provision for the poor and otherwise disadvantaged to be ignored in the interests of national security.

It seems that our nation’s leaders are willing to let most Americans struggle with an unemployment of nearly 10 percent while discussing in all seriousness our national debt created by stupid decisions as to financing military needs as well as domestic needs. Instead of calling on those best able to pay for our nation’s needs in education, infrastructure, health care, decent lifestyles and other citizen needs, we have cut taxes that could have provided a way to finance basic citizen needs. We have slashed taxes stupidly. We allow these supposed “job-creators” to create jobs in other countries; we even reward their crass profit-grubbing with subsidies and no taxes.

Ending the authorization of ill-defined military goals is one step toward financial wisdom and truly working toward peace. The only people who profit from war are the already ridiculously rich with their corporate war-machines. End the authorization of war. We cannot afford to continue multiple and unpublicized military actions.

Herb Best
