
Walsh insults commander in chief

I am truly embarrassed to have to say that I am from the 8th Congressional District in Illinois. This is the district that has Joe Walsh as its representative. This is a man who, obviously, has not been in the military service. In the military, when you pass an officer, you salute him/her. It does not matter whether or not you like that officer, you salute because of the uniform that person wears and the tradition it represents. Same way for your commander in chief. You respect the position of the highest office in this country that the majority voters have voted for. Mr. Walsh has said that the president was “lying” about a topic he reported on and has decided to forego attending a meeting of the entire House, at a joint session of Congress, because he has a town-hall meeting scheduled at the same time. This is nothing but disrespectful and a slap in the face. Being a politician means that you negotiate, it does not mean that if you don’t get your own way, you take your ball and go home. Term limits on all politicians is something we all should be thinking about.

Jeff Sand
