
Let your vote speak for you

Let’s quit with the “who won” reporting and Monday morning political quarterbacking. What’s wrong with “the “American people won”? We finally seem to have the attention of our representatives, but there is a long way to go to find the answers that are the best for the most people. In the end everybody’s ox is going to get gored a bit. Republicans are going to have to redo the tax code and defense, and Democrats are going to have to adjust Social Security and Medicare.

Now that we have their attention, we need to let them know that we expect them to act in our best interest or we will see to it that they are replaced with others who will tend to business and change the way government runs and finances itself. I really believe that the majority of Americans are simply looking for leaders who will tell it like it is and do the very best they can to create tax policies and keep programs working that do the things that cannot be done locally.

National politics is not a carrier. It is an opportunity to serve your fellow citizens and take care of those few issues that are best done at the federal level, not a way to amass a fortune and wield political power for yourself and your contributors. The only way to send this message (since they are still not totally listening) is to use the power of the vote and cut their “carriers” short, if they continue to refuse to take care of business. Keep the pressure on! Not for the good of your party, but for the good of all of America. (And let’s not forget the Illinois legislature while we are at it.)

Robert Williams

Rolling Meadows