
Recession causes real suffering

We continue to have nearly 14 million workers officially unemployed in America, more than 20 million by an alterative definition.

Economic recessions and depressions are bad and cause suffering to real human persons — never mind media preferences for percentages and changes in percentages.

But it is an ill wind that blows no good. During periods of high unemployment, inferior workers can be replaced by more productive workers. This is only fair and would make our economy more efficient.

Meanwhile, unemployed workers (while continuing an aggressive job search) can use their time to become better-educated citizens, reading such books as“Excellence” by John W. Gardner (1984 edition in print) and“Reverence for Life” by Albert Schweitzer (plus Schweitzer’s “Out of My Life and Thought” on the need to become less shallow and ethically better by thinking.)

The philosopher-sculptor Auguste Rodin said nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

Robert L. Darcy
