
Who has gotten us in deeper debt?

The conservative forces are blaming Obama for a huge increase in the national debt. But is he really so bad? Let’s compare:

Ÿ Truman, minus 21.7 percent

Ÿ Einsenhower, plus 16.2 percent

Ÿ Kennedy, minus 8.3 percent

Ÿ Johnson, minus 8.3 percent

Ÿ Nixon, minus 3.0 percent

Ÿ Ford, plus 0.2 percent

Ÿ Carter, minus 3.3 percent

Ÿ Reagan, plus 20.6 percent

Ÿ Bush Sr., plus 13.0 percent

Ÿ Clinton, minus 9.7 percent

Ÿ Bush the lesser, plus 28.1 percent

Ÿ Obama, plus 9.0 percent

Historically, it seems that the people who do the screaming on this subject were the people who were responsible for the biggest debts.

Raleigh Sutton
