
Remember water safety this holiday

On Sept. 2, 1986, five people lost their lives in a horrific boat crash on Fox Lake. Twenty five years later, let this be a reminder to those who think speed and drinking are part of the boating experience.

The Chain is a very busy waterway, and Labor Day signals the end of the boating season for many people. This is not an excuse to ignore basic safety rules.

Have a designated driver just as you would if you were going out for a night of partying.

Practice defensive driving — especially at night.

Be considerate and wary of other boaters as there is a wide range of “skilled” skippers out there.

And if you are the captain, remember that your guests are putting their lives in your hands. You are responsible for their safety as well as the other boaters out on the lake.

Have a beer when you get home.

R. Howard

Fox Lake