
Attack on Wheaton College intolerant

Lovely, this attack on Wheaton College and the Christian church (Fence Post letter, Aug. 23). It’s just another fine example of the growing hostility. Frankly it’s an attempt to shut up anyone who holds standards, anyone who proclaims they follow Christ, and to push to get the government to regulate the teachings of the church.

So much for tolerance, unless you are a member of the group(s) progressives protect. Whichever denomination one is a member of, none are calling for the killing of those men who have sex with another male. On the same note, we have the right not condone it, either. I am ashamed to see we have such intolerance here in my hometown.

It’s sad to see someone so ignorant of the Christian church claiming that in order to truly follow it one must kill gays. How absurd. Does this paper realize how slanderous this claim is when they decided to print this? It’s the same media that claims Islam is a religion of peace, while many of it’s practitioners cut the heads off adulterers and homosexuals.

Where are we to find the truth anymore? The attack on the church for anyone that is interested can be found in the The Communist Manifesto as a way to bring it about. And don’t forget destroying the family, making the state the source of authority.

Tim Youngberg
