
Rob Sherman sues Buffalo Grove over newsletter

Buffalo Grove atheist and community activist Rob Sherman has sued his own village for what he calls a violation of church and state in its e-newsletter.

The suit claims that the “Village of Buffalo Grove E-News” made such a violation in its Aug. 18 edition by promoting a Pig & Corn Roast on Sept. 11 at Hope Lutheran Church in Long Grove.

Sherman’s suit also claims that this is just the most recent example of the village’s periodic use of such public resources to promote events hosted or sponsored by religious organizations.

Buffalo Grove Village President Jeffrey Braiman, who’s also named individually as a defendant in the suit, responded Friday.

“My only comment is that I feel the suit is baseless and we will defend it vigorously in court and not in the media,” Braiman said.

He added that the village receives no money for promotion of any of the local events publicized in the e-newsletter.

Among the other events mentioned in the Aug. 18 edition are Route 53 extension hearings in Libertyville and Buffalo Grove, Oktoberfest at the Schwaben Center, a national moment of remembrance for 9/11, a concert series schedule in Arlington Heights and an Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Buffalo Grove.

The suit seeks $100,000 in damages for Sherman for the emotional distress he claims the violation of his civil rights has caused him.

Jeffrey Braiman