
‘Creeping socialsm’ has never worked

Recently the liberal Democrats have called the tea party members “radicals” and “terrorists.” What is radical about limited government and personal responsibility — the principles the tea party supports?

Apparently the liberals are not familiar with American history. Limited government and personal responsibility are the very principles our Founding Fathers espoused — the principles upon which our country was founded.

What is radical is big government — overreaching government which is steadily eroding our liberties — the principles the liberal Democrats support. Big government or “creeping socialism” as we called it years ago has never worked. It is certainly destructive to any country’s economy, not to mention people’s freedom.

When the liberals have no other defense they resort to name-calling and telling lies. Whatever happened to telling the truth and civility? After all, we are all Americans here. We need to save our anger and energy to fight the real terrorists whose goal is to destroy America and Israel.

Marilyn Laub
