
Reporters’ biases push liberal causes

For 33 years I earned a living for my family and myself employed as a public school classroom teacher. Though it has been more than 17 years since I stood in front of a group of young people to impart knowledge, an article in the Daily Herald written by a reporter for The Washington Post motivated me to “teach” again.

The gist of his piece was the debt crisis. To the casual reader the reporter’s skillful use of words and phrases placed the entire blame for the monetary mess on actions and choices of the Republican party and implied that decisions by the Democrat party are harmless and are the solution to our problems.

I read The Daily Herald. I really read The Daily Herald. When I read stories written by reporters of The Associated Press or The Washington Post, I study The Daily Herald as I did with college textbooks. Knowing reporters of these news organizations favor President Obama and the Democrats, and being keenly cognizant of their ability as wordsmiths, I am always amused by their covert use of words and phrases to praise liberal political beliefs and bash moderate and conservative thoughts and policies.

To make lemonade out of lemons, and to control my scorn for their biased so-called reporting, I enjoy studying their techniques and incorporating them into my use of the English language.

Richard J. Piagari

Des Plaines