
Ruby Sangria

1 bottle (750 ml) red wine

½ cup brandy

½ cup orange-flavored liqueur

½ cup orange juice

¼ cup sugar

3 cups orange wedges, divided

3 cups red apple wedges, divided

3 cups green apple wedges, divided

3 cups grapes, divided

2 bottles (12 ounces each) sparkling water

Chilled fruit kebabs, for garnish

Ice cubes

In a large pitcher or plastic container combine red wine, brandy, liqueur, orange juice, and sugar; stir well. Add 2 cups each oranges, red and green apples and grapes; chill for several hours.

For fruit kebabs: Thread 1 cup each orange wedges, red and green apple wedges, and grapes onto small wooden skewers. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Just before serving, add the sparkling water to the pitcher and stir. Pour the sangria into red wine goblets or cocktail glasses filled with ice. Garnish with fruit kebabs.

Serves six to eight.

Chef Suzy Singh, MasterChef bookazine ($9.99)