
Here’s how sirens work in Palatine

I would like to address questions concerning the Palatine “Storm Warning System” that appeared July 25, questioning when and how Outdoor Warning Sirens are activated and used.

The OWS are intended to warn people who are outside to seek shelter indoors because a tornado has been spotted in the area.

Incidentally, the OWS is not designed to be heard inside, although depending on your proximity to a siren, you may be able to hear it indoors.

If you hear OWS, it means a tornado warning is in effect and you should immediately seek shelter. The only exception is when they are tested on the first Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m.

Currently OWS are not activated for lightning, heavy rain, hail and/or high winds.

Using the OWS for less severe weather, even major storms, may cause people to take the (sirens) less seriously because of the number of severe weather warnings that are issued in the Palatine area regularly.

Therefore, the OWS has not been activated recently because a “tornado warning” had not been issued.

Northwest Central Dispatch is responsible for activating Palatine’s OWS. NWCD monitors the NWS alerts, watches and warnings and determines when the OWS should be activated.

NWCD also contracts with AccuWeather which provides live radar images and watch and warning “boxes” as well as 24/7 access to a staff meteorologist if questions arise.

Over the years, a number of articles have appeared in the Daily Herald and in the Palatine Village Newsletter, as well as a PSA that airs on Cable Channel 6, informing the public about tornadoes and the OWS. Additionally, Palatine operates its own AM radio station, 1660 am, which broadcasts safety messages and NWS weather broadcasts.

One of the most effective ways to stay current on severe weather is to buy an inexpensive NOAA Weather Radio, which can be programmed to alert you of severe weather in the area even as you sleep.

Educating the public about personal safety is a large part of the responsibilities of the Palatine Emergency Management Agency. I encourage everyone to visit our website at or contact me at

Tom Smith, coordinator

Palatine Emergency Management