
The case for Obama as a Republican

There is an impostor in the White House who has been masquerading as a Democrat. Who? President Obama, who talks like a Democrat but acts like a Republican.

By his decisions and failure to act, it has become clear that the president is really a left-of-center Republican and by no stretch of the imagination can be called a Democrat or a progressive.

For those who scoff at my assertion, look at his record. He extended tax cuts while the country was in two wars, something no Democrat would ever do. He escalated the unwinnable war in Afghanistan. He failed to bring the troops home from Iraq as promised. He froze the pay of federal workers. He signed a health care bill that did not have a single payer provision. He said the suspects held in the prison in Guantanamo would be tried in federal courts; they will not. He blocked efforts to allow the importation of cheaper prescription drugs. He signed the debt limit bill that did not include revenue increases. He has failed to reduce the bloated defense budget. He has backed down in the face of opposition from Republicans on major issues. He has done little to create jobs in the U.S. and slow down the outsourcing of jobs overseas. He failed to end earmarks (pork) as promised.

Except for a few bones tossed to Democrats, President Obama has delivered for Republicans and can always be counted upon to cave in to Republican demands on key issues. There is, however, one reason why Democrat voters will reluctantly vote to give the president another term and it won’t be for his policies. It will be that in the event of a Supreme Court vacancy, the president would be forced to nominate a liberal leaning justice.

Democratic voters will have to wait until 2016 before they can vote for a real Democrat and not some impostor who the Republicans know is one of them.

Victor Darst

West Dundee