
Hard to find any virtues of this party

The majority of Americans today are worried about their money. Do they have enough to feed, clothe and house their families? Are they currently unemployed, and have they been unemployed for a prolonged period, or are they working at a job with wages which are less than they made in previous years? In addition, they are concerned that the social programs that allow them to survive may be reduced or eliminated.

Then there is another group of Americans who earn well over $1 million a year, and they have concerns too. These millionaires are concerned that their lawyers, accountants and lobbyists may not be able to find every tax loophole so they can avoid paying their fair share of taxes.

And in this pursuit, these millionaires are joined by a political party that is equally concerned with preserving their wealth by steadfastly refusing to consider any change in taxes on the rich, or the closing of any tax loopholes. Instead, this party would cut federal social programs such as Medicare, Social Security, Pell grants and Medicaid. This political party has master propagandists. They have added to the American lexicon of phrases such gems as “death panels,” “death taxes,” “entitlement programs,” “family values” and others, meaningless, but used to good effect as scare tactics.

This party is anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-tax, anti-union. They criticize the president and the other party for failing to create jobs, but they have no plan of their own. Amazingly enough, this political party has managed to convince many middle class Americans, the very group they are in the process of destroying, to vote for them. Go figure!

Robert Frankel
