
Too much trouble at Tree House complex

I’m so glad that the Daily Herald published an article about Section 8 residents getting to stay at The Tree House apartments in Schaumburg (June 24). As a resident of the Lakes of Schaumburg apartment complex across the road from The Tree House, I see what goes on over there and it is disgusting that my tax dollars are going to support Section 8 people so they can continue to live there.

I encourage you to take a drive over to The Tree House sometime and take a look at the parking lot. You will see Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, Lincoln, Audi and other high-priced vehicles parked outside. Contrast that with the Lakes of Schaumburg parking lot, a complex that does not accept Section 8 housing, you will see many more humble cars parked, i.e. Honda, Ford, Nissan, etc.

That’s just one aspect of what you should know about The Tree House. The other is that in the course of two-plus years I have lived across from the complex, countless police and fire personnel visit routinely at all times of the day and night. More often than not, someone is in the back of the police squad when it leaves The Tree House.

Loud music, large groups of wondering and loitering youth (which spill over to the Lakes property), fighting, yelling and sirens and speeding cars are the norm there. To be fair, not all Section 8 residents cause trouble, but it’s interesting to know that they do reside there and tells me that our government rewards irresponsible behavior.

Steve Howard
