
Close loopholes, put Congress on budget

In a letter to the editor a loyal Democrat wrote he was tired of the Republicans using the abortion issue year after year. Guess he has no issue with his party, year after year, pulling out its repeats — Bush did it, tax breaks for the rich and oil companies.

Obama could have and should have made these tax changes in his first two years when the House and Senate were in his control. He could have avoided today’s mess. A campaign promise to deduct Social Security tax on all earnings, not $106,000, also should have passed. The rich also got a free one year pass because there was no inheritance tax.

If you think the president is not a friend of the rich, think again. All that money went to Wall Street, banks and big business with little result except bonuses for the rich.

I am in favor of the tax changes plus no earmarks — another promise of the president — much less foreign aid, closing tax loopholes and no subsidies to big farm corporations. Reduce the secret covert operations budget estimated at $25 billion or more and remove another $25 billion to $250 billion in fraud and waste. Cut the benefits to Congress, put them on Social Security and give them a voucher for health care and establish term limits.

John Mayerhofer
