
Tax system unfair to individual payers

We are all in agreement that the federal government is spending to much money. What we cannot decide is where additional money will come from or where spending cuts are to take place. This is no longer an abstract problem. If you are in your 20s or 30s, would you prefer to have your grandmother pay more for her medical care or have Donald Trump pay more taxes? If you are a little older, would you rather have your mother pay more for her medical care or have Donald Trump pay more taxes? If you are a senior like I am, would you rather pay more for your medical care or have Donald Trump pay more taxes?

Since Donald Trump is a private individual, we don’t know how much he pays in taxes, if any. We do know that General Electric made $5 billion in profit and paid no taxes. You can see that your grandmother/mother paid more in taxes than G.E. Does that seem fair?

Dennis Watts
