
Barrington residents do NOT want big

In the Neighbor Fencepost of June 13, Michael Kozel of Barrington slammed the village’s plans for redevelopment without one mention of all the great new businesses they have successfully attracted.

Then Michael says, “I have talked to hundreds of Barrington residents, all of which want our town to be successful and understand that densities will need to increase for our town to be successful ... Buildings of five and six stories will attract development to Barrington.”

Well Michael, I’m not sure where you are from, but it certainly is not Barrington.

Over the past few decades I have talked to thousands of Barrington residents, all of whom prefer to maintain the quaint charm and character of our town. They do NOT want five or six story buildings. In fact, if you had paid attention, the recent extensive hearings on the 10-year update to our comprehensive plan polled residents and found that fully 65 percent prefer the current building height limits just the way they are.

Anyone who really likes the look of Palatine that much more than Barrington, could easily move there. Just don’t trash Barrington as long as the vast majority of people love the town just the way it is.

Bill Hartman
