
An idea to promote goodness in people

Could we plan to have one day of goodness in the world? All people are born with the ability to do good. Almost all people want to do good. And many people do good. Can we get all people to interact constructively with other people to help serve for the purpose of good?

We have annual days of recognition all around the world that we share — no smoking days, vegan days, Earth days and others. How about one day, the longest day of the year, the first day of a new season, when people plan to say good things, when people plan do good things, and when people plan to serve for the sake of others? It may be washing windows, talking to friends, helping with chores, serving meals, teaching, singing, playing a game or just having good fun with others.

People and organizations are always looking for something to do, how about getting together to plan to constructively interact for one day on June 21, 2012?

Cheryl Withey
