
Rockin’ Guac

3 ripe avocados

1 clove garlic, minced

Kosher salt

½ a mango, diced

cup diced white onion

2 plum tomatoes, diced

1-2 tablepoons chopped cilantro

1-2 limes, halved

With a sharp knife, cut into the avocado lengthwise until you hit the pit. Work the knife around the pit to score it. Twist the two halves in opposite directions and pull apart. Remove the pit with a spoon, or by thumping the knife blade into the pit; twist knife and the pit should come right out. Scoop flesh into a large bowl.

Add garlic and salt to the bowl and mash with a large fork or potato masher unti you get the consistency you want. Stir in mango, onion, tomato and cilantro. Squeeze juice from 1 lime juice over all and stir. Taste and add more lime juice and/or salt to taste.

Makes about 3 cups; serves eight to 10.

Jerome Gabriel