
A veteran recognizes soldier’s sacrifices

A letter to Lt. Matt Spartz:

I have just finished reading your column in this morning’s Herald. I want to let you know that I am grateful for your concern for our country and the people in it as demonstrated by your willingness to serve in the military. There are times when I am disappointed by the attitudes and behavior of some of our citizens. But then I see or meet someone like you, and I realize that there are some who not only believe in our freedoms but also make great sacrifices to help preserve them.

I also thank you for sharing your experiences and your thoughts with us.

I just celebrated my 70th birthday. More than 40 years ago, I also was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army as President Lyndon Johnson was increasing our military commitment in South Vietnam. Although I never served there myself, many of my friends and classmates did. The name of one of the officers I served with is carved on the Vietnam memorial in Washington.

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your loved ones today. May God grant you safety, a speedy return and a successful completion of your mission.

Charles E. Glomski

Elk Grove Village