
Roskam to escort Boehner to swearing in

A suburban Congressman will play a major role in the swearing in of new House Speaker John Boehner Wednesday, as one of a handful of lawmakers selected to escort the Ohio Republican to the chamber podium to take the oath of office.

Sixth District Congressman Peter Roskam's part in the ceremony, which comes weeks after the Wheaton resident's appointment as chief deputy Whip, is the first public display of his rise in the ranks of his party.

“Whips” are chief vote counters for their parties in both the House and Senate. Their chief deputies are charged with garnering votes for legislation, working to keep the party unified, and serving as go-to persons on policy questions.

The position, particularly among Republicans, has been looked at as a path to other key jobs.

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, a Plano Republican, served as chief deputy whip from 1995 to 1998 before becoming Speaker of the House in 1999.

Boehner will replace House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat.