
Whose wallets are they fattening?

Why is everyone so mad at the Republicans the politicians, that is just because they want to reduce the minimum wage and end the unemployment benefits for people out of work? Tell me, what is wrong for giving tax credits to American corporations that want to send their jobs “overseas”? After all, people in China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines need work, too. Why do we have to look after our own citizens when there are foreign countries that can't or won't look after their citizens? Isn't that what we're here for? To look after the foreign workers who aren't cared for by their governments?

And what in the world is wrong with lowering income taxes for the really rich and superrich families of the nation? After all, the Republican pols are just paying back the rich and superrich who put them in the office in the first place. What is wrong with paying back the bribers and spitting in the face of the middle class and working poor and unemployed American workers? That is what they were elected to do, isn't it?

We should all be proud of these “hurrah for me, the heck with you” guys and gals that represent us in the nation's capital. They are just doing what they were elected to do, and will continue to do, no matter what.

You must admit, no matter what, they are the most consistent sour grapes sore losers in the history of American politics, even thought most of those senators are millionaires themselves. Something comes to mind, something like . . . lining your own pockets . . . at the expense of the others.

Ring a bell?

Frank Sears

Buffalo Grove