
Vote to steer away from tax increases

That great triumvirate of deception of Obama-Pelosi-Reid and their lemmings in Congress trumpet the dictum of “soak the rich" by promising to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the rich (those making over $250,000). Middle class, you're safe. Shame on Obama, that great unifier, for dividing the country through class warfare, the poor against the rich. Under communism it was the proletariat against the bourgeois.

Do you feel rich if you earn $65,000 (taxable income $40,200) or $90,000 (taxable income $65,000)? The example is based on a family of four, the standard deduction and four personal exemptions.

Let's look at the numbers. Before 2000 the tax was $6,030 and $12,604, respectively. President Bush's tax cuts lowered the tax burdens to $5,228 and $8,962 for a decrease of $802 and $3,642. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of 2010 and revert to the pre-2000 tax rates, for a 15 percent and 41 percent increase in taxes. Of course, the rich will also see an increase of 40 percent.

Under Obama, is the middle class defined as those who are now paying no taxes at all? Or do you feel that it is your patriotic duty, as Vice President Joe Biden said, to pay $802 or $3,642 more in taxes to grow the federal bureaucracy? The ultimate shameful deception (or lie, if you prefer) will come when Obama will claim that “I did not raise your taxes, I just let those hateful Bush tax cuts for the rich expire."

All is not lost! This November, at the ballot box, you can dethrone Obama by restoring Republican control of Congress and prevent the Obama and Democrat engineered tax increases from coming to pass. Now that is change you can believe in.

Laszlo Stephan

Des Plaines