
Art Affair adds color to downtown Palatine

Tired of the beer and rock bands that dominate the typical summer festival?

Consider heading to downtown Palatine this weekend for a slightly more refined event.

The Palatine/Inverness Arts Council will put on its sixth annual juried art fair, An Art Affair Around the Square, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11-12, at Smith Street and Palatine Road.

Artists from mediums including water color, acrylic, oil, pottery, fine jewelry, stained glass and pastels will be represented.

"We are excited by the diversity of artists who have returned to the show this year and are impressed with the new talent participating in the show," show chair Betty Flamm said.

A panel of community residents will judge the artists and award prizes at a presentation officiated by Mayor Jim Schwantz at 3 p.m. Saturday at the gazebo.

The Art Guild (TAG) and Positive Strokes Art School and Gallery will set up a children's art tent all weekend, and Dobby's will hold a wine tasting event Sunday afternoon. Live entertainment will feature violinists, the Palatine Children's Choir, an acoustic guitarist and a jazz band.

For more details and a musical lineup, go to