
Supporters want Hampshire Coon Creek Days to continue

Less than a week after organizers of the Hampshire Coon Creek Country Days festival announced they were calling off the event in what would have been its 27th year, a group of local supporters is stepping up to try to save the event.

Led by Village President Jeffrey Magnussen, local business leaders, residents, current and former village trustees and park commission members will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 25, at the former Kishwaukee Hospital medical building, 895 S. State St., to determine if there is enough interest to continue the festival.

"It is a fun family event that people really enjoy," Magnussen said. "I have heard a lot from people who come through my print shop or on the phone that there is a realization if people don't step up, the festival won't happen."

The commission announced earlier in the week that due to financial difficulties the event scheduled for July 29 to Aug. 1 would be canceled.

Hampshire Coon Creek Country Days Commission Chairman Scott Almquist said he is hopeful the group can find a way to save the festival.

"It really depends on what they have going there in terms of manpower and monetary support," Almquist said. "Of course I want the festival to go on, but we've got to make a decision on whether we can put it together or not."

Magnussen said he is not taking over the commission, a not-for-profit group that has organized the event for the past 12 years. "I want to facilitate a meeting so we can get interested folks together who have expressed a desire to keep Coon Creek going," said Magnussen.

It costs about $100,000 per year to run the event. Members of the village board, park board and a Hampshire Chamber of Commerce representative are expected to attend.

Stacey Ekstrom, executive director of the chamber of commerce, said the event brings out community pride.

"This is important for the community to be able to get together and have a large community event," Ekstrom said. "It was surprising to hear the festival was canceled. But we immediately thought that if nothing else, we should at least have a parade to get the community together.

For those interested in supporting the festival or those who cannot attend Thursday's meeting, call Magnussen at (847) 683-7450.