
Voting is a right, privilege, duty

Shame on you! Yes, I am talking to all those citizens who did not go to the polls to vote. I find it very sad that people in other countries are willing to die for the right to vote for their leaders, yet so many people in this country take that privilege for granted, and choose to ignore it. Unless you have voted, I don't want to hear your complaints about what the government is doing or not doing in relation to your wants.

You have a chance to make a difference in local, county, state and federal governments, but you simply don't. There is no excuse. I am beginning to think that people who do not vote regularly should have the privilege taken away because they don't appreciate it.

Maybe if they risked losing it, then they would see the value of their vote. Voting is not only a privilege but also a duty. Stop making excuses; educate yourself about the issues and the candidates, then vote.

Cynthia Kehoe

Elk Grove Village