
Shame on you, for health care views

In response to the Jan. 26 letter from Rev. Stephen H. Swanson on health care, Reverend, I hope you're not suggesting that we condemn our fellow citizens to months of pain while waiting in line to even see a doctor (see Canada's health care program) or condemning ourselves to living in pain with a cancer because the medicine is too expensive (again see Canada's cancer survival rate compared to ours).

And certainly you're not suggesting we surrender our God-given abilities to analyze, choose and exercise our free will and hand them over to government bureaucrats who care more about the dollar spent than the care given.

Finally, Reverend, in light of our response to Haiti, Katrina victims and the Far East tsunami victims, shame on you for even suggesting we don't care about our fellow citizens and/or the world citizens. As the saying goes, "God works in mysterious ways," and by defeating this horrendously written bill passed with bribes and coercion, hopefully, now we can reach a compromise that will provide for the 17 million Americans who need and can't get health care without tearing apart the best system in the world.

Martin J. Uttich

Carol Stream