
Vote for Dawson, the clean campaigner

I guess it was too much to hope for to think that the 8th Congressional District Republican race could make it to election day on Feb. 2 without any mudslinging. Last week, Chris Geissler called out Joe Walsh for not paying his campaign debts and for living outside of the 8th district in Winnetka and he goes on to note that Maria Rodriguez also lives outside the 8th District. Rodriguez, in turn, has not been honest on her robo calls and in the candidate forums where she continually states that she is the "only one in the race with elected experience" even after being told repeatedly that John Dawson was elected to the school board in District 155.

Meanwhile, Joe Walsh has been attacking Rodrigez over her flip-flopping on the issue of extending Illinois Route 53 northbound (which she has opposed).

Dirk Beverage had been touting the fact that he was "the founder" of the 501C3 organization "We Do Care" until Joe Walsh pointed out that there were actually 5 founders and three of the five are actually supporting Walsh over Beveridge for Congress. Interesting.

Why is it so difficult to run a clean above-board campaign without any mud slinging? Doesn't anyone in the 8th District want to concentrate on the real issues - jobs and the economy?

John Dawson is my choice for Congress. He understands the issues and he's stayed squeaky clean throughout the campaign. That's who I want running against Melissa Bean in November and that's who I want representing me in Washington.

Karen Moratz
