
A closer look at what defines 'fascism'

Someone recently expressed their opinion that President Trump is moving America closer to fascism. If you share this concern, I would suggest that you do some earnest historical research on fascism.

According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, fascistic societies are collectively identifiable by the following: extreme militaristic nationalism; contempt for electoral democracy and political/cultural liberalism (in the classic sense where government is a "necessary evil"); belief in natural social hierarchy and rule of elites; and the desire to create a "people's community" in which personal interests are subordinated to the nation. Let's compare. Extreme militaristic nationalism? Militaristic pride, sure, but our communities are not exactly dominated by military personnel.

Contempt for electoral democracy and liberalism? No. Russian collusion has been cleared in investigation: Trump was undeniably elected in democratic fashion by the American republic, whether you like it or not. Also, Trump has done nothing to jeopardize individual American liberty and right to life. He actually increased individual freedom- one example being deregulation of the economic market and the return of American tax dollars.

Belief in natural hierarchy and elite rule? Natural hierarchy- sure, because he believes in the free market where individuals have control over their position in natural hierarchy. Elite rule- no. Giving tax money back to wealthy people that earned it isn't "elite rule." Desire for "people's community?" No. As discussed earlier, Trump is very dedicated to the nation, but he recognizes that devaluing personal freedom would in turn devalue the country.

Just as well, past fascist regimes dominated the media and asserted control over their targets by taking their protective firearms. They also silenced or killed their political opponents - a modern example is the use of the DNC to quash Bernie Sanders.

Gianna Sabatino


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